
Jack's ticker

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Olivia's ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Another new word

Jack said Hello as loud and clear as a bell after I said it to him when he woke up in the morning. He is growing by leaps and bounds and his vocabulary is getting larger and larger. We have his 18 month well baby appt on the 19th(well maybe not if we're going to get the 9-13" they say we are) - so we'll see how much he's grown since his last visit. And we get to see a new dr instead of Dr. P - hopefully she'll mesh better with us than he did.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Gramma and Papa's fleeting visit

Gramma and Papa came to visit and with them they brought our snowblower - what a Godsend!! We had fun visiting and Gramma and I baked a couple things while Jack was running around with Papa. We had Red's Pizza that night and after we were done eating Jack said This Off and was trying to take his bib off - so more things added to his list of words!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

We have a lot to be thankful for

Our dear sweet boy Jack - he's such a miracle and we're so lucky to be his parents. He amazes us everyday and we can't remember what it was like without him. We say this all the time that we'd rather have a messy and loud house with a toddler rather than a quiet, clean house with no pitter patter of little feet, or belly laughs. Hearing Jack laugh just melts my heart and he gives kisses and hugs now when you ask for them. He is an amazing little boy and everyday I'm in awe of him.

Thanksgiving unfortunately was a holiday spent without Mark because he had to work. But Jack and I and the girls drove up to WI on Wednesday afternoon. We dropped in on Gramma at work on our way through and then went to start baking. Thursday we got up and watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade together and the family started coming around 1pm ish. Jack was very funny and was just running around with Owen. You'll see a video of that in a bit.. The day after Thanksgiving Owen came over for a little bit in the morning to play with Jack while Jessica went Black Friday shopping - I did my shopping online. Then we packed up the truck and headed over to Gramma's work again for lunch. Then we raced through the office because nobody was there and pushed Jack in an office chair back and forth - he got a huge kick out of that. Then went up and down in the surgical chair. He cried when we left, poor kid. So all in all Thanksgiving was a whirlwind - it was nice to be with family but we really missed Mark/Daddy. Maybe next year we'll all be together.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Jack updates

I know I know it's been awhile. We've all been busy!! We just came back from visiting Gramma and Papa up in WI. We had a nice family get together on Saturday evening and we think that's what brought on his fever because we were outside a lot on Saturday and it was pretty chilly. So Jack just got over a virus - he had a 103.3 degree temp on Monday night and then a 102.2 temp on Tuesday night - took him to the dr on Wednesday and the dr said it was a virus but didn't give me anything for him except medication for a urine infection which he didn't have after they tested the sample. So frustrating! So we still don't really know why Jack had a fever, but it seems to have passed and he's better now. He's back to sleeping through the night and not wanting to cuddle as much as he did when he was sick.

He's also saying so many words! He now says Hi Ya! Socks, shoes, me, milk, cat, dog, mama, dada, baba, nana, stop and a few others that I can't remember. He is such fun!! He loves going to his babysitter's and he only sees her 3 times a week with the way my work schedule and Mark's work schedule is. So it works out really well. He loves playing outside and kicking the leaves around and running around on the driveway. He's fast! He helps when you clean up his toys, he also will bring you the remote when you ask him to or something he's not supposed to be touching - all you have to say is bring it here please and he does. Can't believe Thanksgiving is around the corner..time is just flying by - it's quite sad really but also very exciting at the same time to see what kind of person Jack will turn into. I'll be downloading some pics later...until then - enjoy the update!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Jack's 2nd Halloween

Well for Halloween Jack was a bumblebee - he was so cute but he absolutely hated the costume. It was a warm costume and it was warm that day. I took him into work that day and everyone got a kick out of how cute he looked. He made quite the haul with candy. Then we carved pumpkins out on the patio table and then went over to Grandma Ethel's for a visit - she gave him loads of candy for his ghost pail. We didn't take him trick or treating this year just because he doesn't know how to say it and he doesn't really understand the concept yet. But we're gearing up for next year - we're not handing out anymore candy to disrespectful kids who don't dress up and just stand at the door holding out their bags and giving babies who look like they were just born candy..there's my venting over. Time is just flying when you have kids!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Edwards Apple Orchard

Gramma came down to visit and we went to Edwards Apple Orchard for the afternoon. It was a hot and sticky fall day. We go to Edwards every year for their amazing cider donuts and apples, and the ambiance is really fun. So we went after I got done with work - it was jam packed. There were lines everywhere - so needless to say we didn't get any donuts or apples. But we did go on a hayride through the orchard. We also let Jack play in the playground and pet the animals they have there. Edwards got hit by a tornado last January and they are still rebuilding the house, but all of the barns are rebuilt. A couple days after this we went again, just the 3 of us. We wanted to walk through the barns and see the photos of the tornado damage. We got some donuts - they were heavenly!! And some apples. Jack loved them just as much as we did! It's amazing to look back at a year ago when we brought Jack to Edwards and he was in his travel system all wrapped up at 4 months old and now he's a happy healthy and growing 16 month old.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

We went to the Pumpkin Patch on Oct. 1 - it was very bittersweet to think when we took Jack last year he was only 3 months old and now he's an independent little man. Here are the pics from that day and a few pics from last year to compare - we had a great time!

Walking to the Pumpkin Patch
This picture is from this year
And this is the same sign with Jack in 2007 October 2008 - 2.5' tallSeptember 2007 - not even 2'
Running through the dracula tunnel Had to be ran through the tunnel by Daddy in 2007
Our sweet boy - October 2008Our sweet tiny baby boy - September 2007 - how times change...
Silly daddy put his sunglasses on me!

Our family at the Pumpkin Patch
Having fun on the wooden truck
Kicking up the leaves
I made a new friend - a goat!
Sitting on the tractor

Lots of pictures!!

Hanging out with Gramma at the Cedarburg Wine and Harvest FestivalInspecting Gramma's face...
She tought him how to stick his tongue out
Taking a ride in the wagon - my wagon from when I was little!
Kicking back at the Lily Lounge
Snuggling with Daddy and enjoying a graham cracker

I'm so sweet!
Having a great time at Popeye's in Lake Geneva, WI
Ahoy Sailor!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Updates on Jack

Wow - even though I'm only working part-time - it's hard to find time to keep Jack's blog updated. So this is just a rundown of his life lately. Have to charge the camera battery and upload photos so no photos just yet.

~ He can now stand up without pulling himself onto anything. YAY!!

~ He can give you a high five!

~ He can wave!

~ He can stick his tongue out

~ He dances to any music and really shakes it but likes it when you dance with him

~ He's in size 4 diapers yet and still wears some 12 month clothes - but with the cooler weather coming he'll be in size 18-24 months even though they're big on him.

~ He now weighs 27 lbs 1 oz (80%) and is 32 3/4" tall(90%). Where he gets his height from we have no idea. Dr thinks he'll be 6' 1" and 190 lbs as an adult..look out - we're going to have a ladies man on our hands!!

~ He has transitioned so well to his babysitter - he doesn't go everyday but he enjoys going when he does. He plays with their 3 dogs and little girl and he watches the fish. He just hangs out and loves it. But Mommy and Daddy love it when we go pick him up because he runs at us with arms wide open and a huge smile on his face...completely worth it.

~ He still laughs for no reason..we'll be driving somewhere and you'll hear a giggle from the back..such a funny guy.

That's about all I have to report on - check back soon for pics!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Back to work

Well I went back to work on August 27th. Jack was home with Mark my first day so all was fine. But on the 29th Jack went to his babysitter's house, Francine's. He did so well - he didn't have any problem whatsoever. He loved playing with their dogs, looking at the fish, petting their cats because our cats won't let him near them. He loves going over there. Now that we're 2 weeks into me working - he has exceeded my expectations. I thought it was going to be hard for him, but he just went with the flow. I of course cried my eyes out the first 3 days I left him but that's to be expected after staying home with him for 14.5 months. Now when I walk in the door he greets me with a huge smile and his arms wide open. That makes it all worth it. My new job is definitely a good thing for me and for our family and especially for Jack. We're all doing really well and we couldn't be happier. I'll be posting some pics soon!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sweet photos

Here are some shots I took today with some cool lighting!!
This was Jack on the train from Chicago - he's such a ham!

Our recent trips

We were on our way to Grammy's work picnic up in Fond du Lac - 8/16/08

Swinging away...
Jack's first temporary tattoo
Jack's first "face-painting" experience - can you tell he hated it?!?!?!? It was Nemo.
Jack playing with his girlfriend Chloe up in Green Bay.
Whatcha got there?
Jack at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago - we went there with Aunt Jessica, Uncle Alan and Cousin Owen on Friday 8/22 - we had a blast!! Jack's first time at the zoo! It was hot!Then we went over to Millennium Park again to play in the water- Jack didn't like it as much as last time though.
He looks drunk...he met his friend Sarah(behind him in the pink shorts) - she thought he was so cute!

14 months old

To my dear sweet Jack,

You are such a little monkey!! Crawling over everything - including the dogs! You laugh so hard when they play and run around - you laugh at the cats and sometimes you just laugh at nothing. You are such a good boy but very inconsistent. Some days you'll take 1, 3-hour nap and the next day you won't take any. It's quite bizarre. You've also boycotted vegetables - before you loved to pick cooked carrots and peas up and eat them and now you turn your head away - not sure what that's all about. You still love your baths and have such fun splashing around in the tub. You wear some 12 month clothes yet but we're going to have to get some 18 month clothes and some shoes(you haven't hardly worn any!) now that fall will soon be here. Still in size 4 diapers as well. You say mama now, talk in your own language and when you want more of something you'll make this noise with a slight inflection at the end of it like mmMMMa..so we say you're asking for more! I have been so blessed to be able to stay with you every single day since the day you were born and I wouldn't give that up for anything! But I start a new part-time job this week and I know it's going to be extremely hard for me to leave you. Even though I know you're in good hands and will be more than okay - it will be really hard for me. I'm just thankful I can work part-time for now so I still get to see you all morning and then I'll be off to work and will be home in time to put you to bed, so that makes me very happy. It'll be really great to get that extra income so we can do more with you as you get older. I just can't believe how quickly this time has gone - but I've cherished it and you as much as I possibly could. You are my world bubby and never forget that - no matter how old you get - you're always going to be my baby!

I love you so very much!



Jack has learned to crawl over Lily

Here's Jack looking so sweet and innocent(as he is!)- don't you just want to eat him up?
This is the start of him crawling over Lily - she's the only one who will let him.

Getting his balance...
I'm almost over!
Can't quite get there...One last leg..And I did it!!!Now let's go back to the start and try it again!