Wednesday, June 25, 2008
More pictures...
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Granddad Paul came to visit from England
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Trip to Rush Creek

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
1 year check up
Forgot to say that on Jack's birthday - we moved his carseat from backwards facing to forwards facing. Hard to believe that time was already here! So now he's loving facing forwards because he can see us and the outside so much better when we're driving around.
Friday, June 13, 2008
It's Jack's Birthday!
He was trying out a new eyebrow...hehee..
12 months old now...
To my Sweet Baby Jack,
This year has been an utter whirlwind. I think that all the time spent taking care of you has made the time go so fast. The days just keep flying off the calendar like leaves off a tree and here you are, an entire year old.
This past year was the most fabulous year of my life. Taking care of you everyday has had its ups and downs, but I thank God for you every single day. I think I've done a pretty good job taking care of you and raising you into the little boy you are today - I love all the amazingly fun memories of our first year together as a family, all of your smiles, all of your giggle fests, all of the snuggles, kisses and hugs and milestones.
Your daily routine consists of - wake up in the morning around 7.30 - 8 and by 10 am you're ready for a nap. Then around 11.30-12 you'll wake up and have some lunch and we'll play or go outside until 3 - then it's another nap until 4.30-5 and then we have dinner around 6 - then it's a bottle around 7.30 and bed at 8 - or roughly around there. You don't need to be rocked in order to go to sleep - we just put you in your crib and give you your blankie and paci and you're down for the count.
We are still on formula - but we are almost done with the can so I think we'll be doing whole milk or 2% soon - we just can't bring ourselves to buy anymore. I'm sure you'll make the transition with no problem, just like with everything you eat. You're such a good eater - you'll eat anything. Dog hair on the floor, yep that goes right into your mouth - but you don't swallow it, you just chew it around. You love cut up bananas, oatmeal, peaches, pears, grapes, squash, carrots, peas, green beans, the list goes on - I made you blueberry pancakes this morning for your birthday and you couldn't shove the pieces into your mouth fast enough. It was homemade macaroni and cheese for lunch and you couldn't get enough of that either. I'm amazed at how well you eat. You love to feed yourself. You're doing well with a sippy cup and love your water and juice- so one of these days we will take you off the bottle and go straight to sippies.
I still can't believe God has brought you to me - I couldn't ask for anything better and what I hoped for doesn't even compare to you. In general, my favorite memories so far are all of your firsts. I was always so excited for your first Halloween, Christmas, Easter, your first time to the park, your first smile, first giggle, first step, etc. It was so important for me to document it all because here we are, already a year later, and I'd hate to miss anything. Thanks to this blog I was able to do that and I'm so glad I took the time to do it all. This is only the beginning - I hope when you're older and we read this together, you'll be happy to have it.
You wear 12-18 months clothes and size 4 diapers. I weighed you a few days ago and you were 25.5 lbs - we have your 1 year checkup next week so we'll find out for sure. You have 6 teeth, 2 teeth have nubs but haven't cut through the skin yet. Your hair is growing and even has some curls at the back. It's so blonde as well! Your face is so precious - it's just such a perfect baby face and definitely all boy!!
You're very ticklish and I love to make you laugh! We have so much fun together. You took 7 steps on your own today as well - your balance is getting so much better and you're getting braver. You push your Thomas ride on toy around and let go and just stand there - pretty soon we'll have to really baby proof. We haven't had to until now because you never crawled - you just scooted on your bum. When we say Good Boy to you, you clap your hands. You love to copy us - when we clear our throat, so do you, when we cough, so do you, when we tilt our head side to side, you follow. It's so darn cute.
It's so hard to believe that 1 year ago from this moment, you were born. I remember it like it was yesterday. I hope I never forget it because the day you came into my life was the best day of my life. I'm so looking forward to witnessing more of your firsts and having more fun with you. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me Bubby and I love you more and more each day. Happy 1st Birthday sweetpea.
Love, Momma
From this...To this...
And now this...