
Jack's ticker

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Olivia's ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 29, 2009

Jack's 1st Brewer Game!

The end of June was a fun way to end the month - we took Jack to his first Brewers game, compliments of his Auntie "Bestie" Jenna.  We got up there early enough to tailgate and relax before the big game.  Here's some pictures of our adventure!  After the game we went back to Jenna's for some more burgers and drinks and then drove back home.

Jack was absolutely exhausted from a full day of adventures!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Our monkey's 2nd Birthday party!!

Jack is a total monkey - climbing over everything, jumping, bouncing,  you name it.  So of course for his 2nd birthday party we had to make the theme MONKEYS!  It turned out to be quite the chilly day unfortunately - but we still had a great time and can't believe Jack's 2 already.

Here's the invitation

The morning of Jack's birthday-He and Owen were just eating breakfast and hanging out.

Really Mommy? Do I look like I want my picture taken?

The bounce house is up and running-just waiting for some jumpers!         

Monkeys are swinging in the trees - some were harder to see than others.

There's the birthday boy bouncing away in the bounce house - he had a great time!

Here's the cake I made all on my own!! I was very proud of myself and even better-Jack loved it! 

And of course the gift bags!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Beginning of June 2009

Gramma and Papa came down for a visit a couple weeks before Jack's 2nd Birthday.  We made 3 raised vegetable beds while they were down here - which was the main reason for them visiting. They also brought his present-a Spiderman 4-wheeler!!  Jack was super excited and rode it briefly - you'll see in the next couple pictures he preferred just pushing it around.  Hopefully next summer he'll actually get on and ride it.
The weekend before his birthday-it was Milk Days - so we went to check out the carnival - actually rode our bikes out there and had a great time.  Jack's favorite part, of all things, was the lemonade.  I'm not gonna lie - it was delicious, but really?

And the night before Jack's birthday and party it was Caoimhe's 5th Birthday party!  So there were bounce houses and slides galore.  Jack loved it and had a great time - Owen actually came with us as well. Jack was a bit unsure of the inflatable slide at first, but when he slid down with Daddy-all was right with the world. In the last picture you can see just how happy and how much he laughed while bouncing!

Monday, June 1, 2009

May/June Milestones

Well - I am proud to say - Jack has been pacifier free since Thursday, May 28. YAY!!!!!

He can also count to 10 and say the alphabet from A-E so far...the rate he's learning things just boggles our mind..what a kid!